Thread Counter

ARThreadCount is an application that will log into your chosen server(s) and tell you what RPC Queues you have, what their min and max configured values are, as well as how many threads are currently active in that queue. Additionally, when analysing your Escalation Queue, it will analyse your active Escalations and determine if your thread configuration is proper for the pools you have defined.

ARThreadCount can be run either from the Windows GUI, or from the command line. If run from the GUI you simply configure your server in the file and double click on the ARThreadCount.jar file, this will produce an output of the results into a file in the same folder

Alternatively you can provide the jar with command line parameters

Below are all of the parameters that are accepted for use

java -jar ARThreadCount.jar -x <server> -u <user> [-c <configFile> -p <password> -t <TCPPort> -o <outputFile> -sg <Y> -grf “<Group Ranking Form”]
-x: This is the server to connect to
-u: User used to connect to the servers
-c: Config file to use, if undefined it looks at file
-p: Password of the user being used to connect
-t: TCPPort to connect to server, uses port mapper if undefined
-o: File that you want the output to go to. If undefined, it goes to ARThreadCountOutput.log
-sg: If the server you specified is in a Server Group, specify ‘Y’ and the program will loop through all members of group and provide stats
-grf: This parameter defaults to “AR System Server Group Operation Ranking” if not specified, but is available in case other languages are involved

Version History

1.1.7 – August 18th 2015

  • Found 2 new bugs in Remedy 9.0 and included error messaging in this tool to report that when the output is ‘wrong’, to see if a patch is available for your server

1.1.6 – August 3rd 2015

  • Added some new ‘known ports’ to the port report

1.1.5 – July 28 2014

  • A user experienced a problem with the config file having a tab character after the server name causing issues connecting. I am now doing a trim on the config values to ensure there aren’t issues going forward.

1.1.4 – April 3rd 2014

  • The updates in 1.1.3 caused issues in server group scenarios where all connections were to the same server.

1.1.3 – April 3rd 2014

  • Changed default output file from ARThreadOutput.log to ARThreadCountOutput.log
  • Modified ‘Server Group’ option to process as a single server if there are problems with the server group operations
  • Updated the login routine to prevent the overall process from trying to continue if login is not successful
  • Changed output to contain a carriage return AND a line feed instead of just a line feed, for people reading the output in a reader that needs it (notepad)

1.1.2 – March 5th 2014

  • Corrected defect with RPC Ports outside of the Private Range

1.1 – March 5th 2014

  • Added Port Types (Alert/Fast/List/etc)
  • Added information regarding default port use if available (Approval/Reconciliation/etc)
  • Added ability to specify a server group member and loop through all servers in the group
  • Added Server Uptime
  • Added Date/Time of Run to the output for historical tracking purposes
  • Added Tracking of loopback RPC Port and notification if it’s not configured properly

1.0 – March 4th 2014

  • Initial release
  • Provided ability to log onto single server and provide RPC Statistics for all configured RPC Ports
  • Made suggestion regarding Escalation Queue configuration based on enabled Escalations

7 thoughts on “Thread Counter

  1. Nice utility. Could you possibly put some hard coded line feeds in between RPC outputs? When i run it, it all ends up on one line.

    Otherwise I like it.

    1. What utility are you using to read the output? I ask because I am putting line feeds in there, in the form of ‘\n’, which is the ‘Unix’ style, which works is most text readers just fine. The only one I have found that it doesn’t work well in is windows notepad, and it for some reason requires a ‘\r’ in there as well, please let me know if that is the case for you, and I’ll update the code.

  2. Hi

    i’m getting this error when using tool “Mon August 4 2014 2:52:33 PM
    Error Logging into ITSM8 : ERROR (90): Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System server; ITSM8”
    via both the cmd and GUI

    1. Mpumi,
      From the error message you pasted, I can see that your problem is actually fixed in 1.1.5, it has to do with ‘white space’ in your config file not being truncated properly. If you either make sure that there are no extra characters before or after the server name then you should be able to connect to your server.

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